HarVa Consulting

Impact Consulting | Data Driven Research | Quality Analysis
The recent UN Sustainable Goals mentions ‘Reducing inequality within and among countries’,eliminating poverty, providing food security, access to education and healthcare among others.This economic gap is represented by academic, government and corporate spheres by a disproportionate pyramid and correcting this anomaly requires the combined knowledge of all the stakeholders in the development process. We at Parallel Pyramid™ understand this challenge and are committed to engineer solutions that make companies more rational, the economy more sustainable and the pyramid more parallel. We believe in the potential at the grassroots and our philosophy echoes the principles of Socio-Capitalistism™.

In changing nature of knowledge-based economies, we bring the expertise of academia, policy makers and corporates to help our clients make better and collective decisions. Central to our philosophy is the ‘Triple Helix Model’ that drives innovation through set of interactions and relationships among institutional actors such as government, industry and academia. This integration of institutions and instruments form an innovation ecosystem that facilitates an environment for productive knowledge exploitation.

This interactive overlap among stakeholders helps our clients make informed decisions and also provides stakeholders involved the opportunity to make a considerable impact economically, socially and academically.

Our mission is to promote, conduct and foster research based consultancy in the broad fields of economics, administration, social sciences and political development.
Kautilya Fellowship
Students and academicians across economies play a vital role in innovation and are increasingly shaping the knowledge economy. The need for authentic research is centric to making informed decisions and is at the core of our philosophy. In recent years, Indian government through various policy articulations, programs and creation of strategic institutions have given a strong indication of its desire to undertake the path of innovation led economic growth. A distinct feature of its innovation approach is her intention to broad base the agenda of innovation towards more inclusiveness i.e. to bring in important stakeholders that have been ignored earlier.

It also entails enhancing the competitiveness of the micro and macro small-scale industry by strengthening their capacity to innovate. It is to be considered that this path of innovation led development must address the role of universities in India and their role in the innovation system must be explored further than supplying intellectual capital and skilled manpower to industry. Recent papers and opinion pieces on the higher education system have stimulated a discussion on the highest policy making platforms. The need for integrating higher education, innovation and research can be seen in this continuous dialogue.

Our flagship program called Kautilya Fellowship aims to bridge the gap between knowledge and experience in development economics by offering the fellows an opportunity to work in sync with our corporate, government and academic partners. The program offers fellows a holistic experience that utilises their prior and current education in the right setup and allows them to interact with impact centric projects, global leaders and academicians.

The rigorous one year fellowship places the fellows in an innovation ecosystem that allows them and the organisations to grow mutually. The fellows also get an opportunity to publish articles, research papers, blog posts along with attending conferences alongside celebrated scientists, academicians and entrepreneurs.

The fellowship also benefits our corporate clients by offering them quality fellows to work in their constructive environment and access to quality human resources essential for their growth.

Want your college to be a part of the fellowship?

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